Ookura Teruko Project: Bewitching Shadow Chapter 5

This is the last chapter of Bewitching Shadow (1934), the first story in the Ookura Teruko Detective Story Compilation. Did you enjoy it? Feel free to leave a comment with your thoughts at the end of the chapter.

Read here: Bewitching Shadow Chapter 5: Stupefaction

I plan on translating the next short story by Ookura Teruko later this year. Hopefully you’ll stick around until then.

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2 responses to “Ookura Teruko Project: Bewitching Shadow Chapter 5”

  1. TyZ avatar

    Thank you for completing this. I was actually waiting until the whole story was translated to start reading, so I can’t tell you what I thought of it yet. Looking forward to the rest of this collection, though 20 stories is pretty hefty job for a solo translator (I think)! Thanks again!

    1. Laeza avatar

      Hello, thank you for leaving a comment and for the kind words!

      Yes, it’s a challenging task with so many stories. But I was mostly worried about the old writing style of the original texts. I tried translating a different story from a decade earlier (by a different author), and it was a…. pain, to say the least. I need to sit on that one a little more. Luckily, Ookura’s writing style has been quite doable so far. 🙂 I will spread the translation of short stories over a couple of years so that it doesn’t become too overwhelming… and to keep the quality somewhat consistent.

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