Ookura Teruko Detective Story Compilation

A translation project of a compilation of stories by Ookura Teruko. She is historically significant as one of the first female detective writers in Japanese history.

Ookura Teruko


Ookura Teruko (大倉 燁子, April 12, 1886 – July 18, 1960) was born in Tokyo, Japan. Her real name was Mozume Yoshiko (物集 芳子). Other aliases: Iwata Yoshimi, Iwata Yuriko, and Oka Midori. Her father was Mozume Takami, a scholar of Japanese literature and culture. After resigning from the Tokyo Women’s Higher Normal School (currently Ochanomizu University), she went on to study under novelist and playwright Nakamura Kichizou. She studied under Futabatei Shimei after Nakamura went to to the USA. After Futabatei’s migration to Russia, she became an apprentice of Natsume Souseki.

In 1909, she published her first story Older Brother (兄 Ani). She presented her literary creations in Seitou and others, but she gave up on writing after getting married. She divorced in 1924. In 1932, she was introduced to Morishita Uson by Nakamura Kichizou, won his favor, and was encouraged to produce detective stories. In 1934 she carried out her second debut with Bewitching Shadow (妖影 Youei) under the name Ookura Teruko (Source: Kinokuniya).

The Compilation

The compilation of detective stories are freely available on Japanese digital library Aozora Bunko. The compilation order is the same as the order in the physical compilation book, which was publicized by Ronsou Mystery Sousho in 2011.

# Works Romaji Translation Date Pages
1 妖影 Youei Bewitching Shadow 1934(昭和9)年11月号 3 – 18
2 消えた霊媒女 Kieta mijiamu Disappeared Medium 1934(昭和9)年11月 19 – 39
3 情鬼 Jouki The Passionate Ogre 1935(昭和10)年2月 41 – 65
4 蛇性の執念 Jasei no shuunen The Implacability of a Serpent’s Nature 1935(昭和10)年2月 67 – 93
5 鉄の処女 Tetsu no shojo The Iron Maiden 1935(昭和10)年2月 95 – 124
6 機密の魅惑 Kimitsu no miwaku The Fascination of Confidentiality 1935(昭和10)年2月 125 – 149
7 耳香水 Mimi kousui Ear Perfume 1935(昭和10)年2月 151 – 171
8 むかでの跫音 Mukade no ashioto The Stepping Sounds of a Centipede 1935(昭和10)年 173 – 190
9 黒猫十三 Kuroneko tomi Black Cat Thirteen 1936(昭和11)年1月 191 – 211
10 鳩つかひ Hato tsukai Pigeon Bearer 1948(昭和23)年4月5日 213 – 236
11 梟の眼 Fukurou no me The Eyes of an Owl 1937(昭和12)年3月 237 – 254
12 青い風呂敷包 Aoi furoshikizutsumi A Blue Package 1937(昭和12)年4月 255 – 276
13 美人鷹匠 Bijin takajou The Beautiful Falconer 1937(昭和12年)7月増刊号 277 – 295
14 深夜の客 Shinya no kyaku Late Night Visitor 1938(昭和13)年12月 297 – 317
15 鷺娘 Sagimusume Heron Daughter 1946(昭和21)年7月 319 – 336
16 魂の喘ぎ Tamashii no aegi The Wheezing of the Soul 1947(昭和22)年11月、12月合併号 337 – 351
17 和製椿姫 Wasei tsubaki hime The Japanese-made Lady of the Camellias 1948(昭和23)年5月号 353 – 366
18 あの顔 Ano kao That Face 1948(昭和23)年10月 361 – 383
19 魔性の女 Mashou no onna The Devilish Woman 1949(昭和24)年9月 385 – 402
20 恐怖の幻兵団員 Kyoufu no maboroshi heidanin The Phantom Army Corps Members of Terror 1950(昭和25)年5月 403 – 422
21 心霊の抱く金塊 Shinrei no idaku kinkai The Gold Nugget held by a Spirit 1935(昭和10)年9月23~24日 425 – 428
22 素晴しい記念品 Subarashii Kinenhin A Wonderful Memento 1936(昭和11)年4月号 429 – 431
23 蘭郁二郎氏の処女作 Ran Ikujirou-shi no shojosaku Ran Ikujirou’s Maiden Work 1936(昭和11)年12月9日 432
24 今年の抱負 Kotoshi no houfu This Year’s Ambition 1950(昭和25)年1月 433 – 434
25 最初の印象 Saisho no inshou The First Impression 1954(昭和29)年11月 435 – 437
26 アンケート Anketo Survey 1935(昭和10)年12月
438 – 440

1 – 20 are literary works.

21 – 26 are essays and miscellaneous writings.